What’s Up, 2020?

2020 updates and my commitment to write more! And yes, pregnant again!
2020 updates and my commitment to write more! And yes, pregnant again!
We celebrated our second wedding anniversary last December 28, 2015. I write this post, more than a week late, because we have been so busy these past few days with the usual holiday shenanigans. When Bistek and I woke up
I spent the better part of my day today in traffic. I left the house at 10:30 am to run some errands near our house (QC area) then travelled almost 2 hours to Pasig to have lunch with friends. Left
I hope it’s not too late to start a blog. I tried blogging way back in 2004 but I felt that I had nothing interesting to say, so it never really panned out. Eleven years, four jobs, six studio albums,